The purpose of this job is to refurbish the 132kV overhead power line between Sloy switching station to Windyhill. Working on behalf of Omexom, power grid civils is to complete the refurbishment of part of this line and other associated works. The route is approximately 14.5km and comprised 2 double circuits on steel lattice towers (4 circuits total). The OHL set for refurbishment covers the area from Sloy switching station and goes south near Glen Mallan.

Our scope of works includes access track installation, tower refurbishment and also construction of new towers. The access tracks follow the alignment of the existing OHL which predominately follows the route of the Three Lochs Way, it is also in proximity to the route of the West Highland Line Railway. The project is set in a predominantly rural setting partially in the Loch Lomond and Trossachs Nation Park.
